Get to Know Renea
Renea serves in many roles which include that of a certified Law Enforcement Officer. She presently works as a Major within the Broward Sheriff's Office. Her credentials include being a subject expert matter to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), and a certified adjunct instructor. In this capacity, Renea provides cutting-edge training to law enforcement and correctional recruits in the areas of communications, narcotics, gangs and extremist groups.
Renea believes that the lessons she has learned personally as a mother and professionally as an undercover Detective allow her to speak openly and authentically while relating to a diverse audience. Renea has presented a wide range of subjects while imparting lessons on what it means to be a more compassionate human being and how it can translate into success. Other topics include addressing incivility in the workplace, challenging teams to reset, reassess, reorganize and succeed as well as simple motivational pick-me-up's to invigorate any stagnate work environment.
Renea has had the privilege of presenting at special events and conferences for FBI & DEA administrators, human resources professionals, attorneys, doctors, public and private sector professionals, Veterans, and youth of all ages.
Overall, Renea is best described as an energetic, light-hearted, witty presenter who loves to connect with her audiences and share her truth. She earned her master's degree in public administration from Florida International University and has led graduate-level workshops for her Alma Mater on The Art of Public Speaking.

Renea Peterson is the Founder/CEO of her company, RPLLC. Through the art of public speaking, Renea challenges her audience to reconsider society's definition of success and focus on what matters the most in their personal and professional lives. Renea has been described as a gifted and experienced public speaker who executes high-energy presentations through her delivery methods.